Welcome to HTL-Service

HTL-Service provides a completely tailored textile service catering to institutions such as hotels, restaurants and spa facilities.

With extensive experience in the industry, we possess the expertise to meet your exacting quality standards.

Our family has been deeply rooted in the textile business for several generations, and we proudly carry forward this legacy.

Our primary focus is on cultivating satisfied customers through responsiveness, effective communication, excellent service, and accountability, both pre and post-purchase. The satisfaction of the end customer is paramount to us, prompting us to accompany you throughout the entire process — from textile selection to delivery and beyond. We function as a crucial link in the chain, overseeing the journey from raw material to the final product.

Since our establishment in 2007, we have undertaken assignments from companies spanning the Nordic and Baltic regions. It's a source of pride for us that prominent market players choose our services and products.